Introducing LPT Realty, My Newest Partner

Over the past 14 years, I have collaborated with property sellers, buyers, realtors, mortgage bankers, investors, flippers, and others involved in real estate to overcome deal breakers related to flood insurance, flood zones, and building codes. I’m proud of the deals I’ve saved, the business alliances I’ve built, the money I’ve saved my clients, the brand and reputation I’ve earned, and the uniqueness of my business. Recognizing the need to help buyers and sellers directly, I expanded into real estate, focusing on both homes and responsible land management. My newest partnership is with LPT Realty, a revolutionary brokerage platform that will provide me the tools, support and experienced agent relationships that my clients deserve and need.

Challenges in Coastal Real Estate

Coastal real estate in Southeast Virginia and around the Chesapeake Bay faces unprecedented pressure due to rising insurance costs, government regulation, climate change, sea level rise, sinking land mass,  recurring flooding and increasingly powerful hurricanes. These factors negatively impact marketability, value, sustainability, quality of life, and insurability, defining environmentally stressed real estate.

However, not all properties in our coastal region are environmentally stressed. Most remain highly marketable despite being in high-risk flood zones or facing related issues. My consulting services promote coastal land and structure mitigation practices. I can also apply for variances, delineations, Letter of Map Amendments and other permits that will relieve property stress. Also, there are many ways to reduce erosion, flooding, saturation and other issues that make properties more marketable and valuable. These services are available by retaining me as a consultant or as your realtor.

Mike Vernon - The Realtor

Across Hampton Roads, most residential real estate transactions are what I would consider “normal”—dealing with the usual concerns, negotiations, banking, inspections, and closing processes. I handle these transactions as well.

However, coastal regions present outliers—properties with complexities and conditions that go beyond the ordinary. These issues, often stemming from environmental factors, create stress related to finances, marketability, and quality of life. Managing these types of properties requires specialized skills and experience.

Since February 2011, I’ve been assisting the real estate community in understanding these complexities, providing affordable solutions, implementing them, and removing the barriers that hinder transactions—thousands of times.

Whether the challenges arise from sea level rise, climate change, coastal erosion, high-risk flood zones, environmental legislation, land saturation, flooding, or wetlands—this is my niche.

Navigating these issues involves understanding laws, disclosures, required documents, building codes, restrictions, variances, delineations, and many other factors that could lead to fines or litigation.

Selling and Buying in Coastal Virginia

Today’s buyers and their realtors are more informed than ever when it comes to purchasing homes that may be environmentally stressed, largely due to the constant media focus on sea level rise, severe storms, and the damage they cause. However, much of this education is driven by fear, leading buyers to shy away from perfectly safe and reasonable properties.

For sellers, it’s crucial to recognize that potential buyers may have concerns and to be prepared to address them—especially if proactive measures have already been taken to resolve any issues.

For buyers, it’s essential to be genuinely informed, rather than influenced by fear. Knowing the right questions to ask, understanding which documents to request, and being aware of the necessary disclosures are all key. Having an experienced expert who can spot potential issues and assess concerns is invaluable.

Most environmental challenges affecting residential properties are solvable; it’s just a matter of evaluating the cost and the return on investment. With over 1,500 mitigation projects completed and hundreds of consulting engagements under my belt, you can trust that whether you’re buying or selling, you’re in good hands.
